In Scots, topless would be pronounced tapless. That made me chuckle. 🤭

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One of the most hilarious conversations I ever had was with two drunk Scottish men in a Manhattan bar. I couldn't understand a word. Miscommunications abound!

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You've reminded me of an episode I had on the train once. A drunk Glaswegian got on the tube and started shouting at some bloke (another Britishism), who responded by falling asleep. So then he moved on to me and started shouting at me. I was nodding and saying "yes" every so often and then he suddenly stopped and said: "You haven't understood a word I've said, have you?" "No9", I said, thinking that here is where I get my face rearranged. he just burst out laughing and said "Well why didn't you say so then!!" and went away guffawing

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Hilarious! I'd also never heard the germ "Glaswegian." A guffawing Glaswegian. Brilliant.

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My philosophy is if you are going to carry on a conversation, then it's fair game to listen in. Where else would pick up dialogue gems that you never, ever would have thought of?

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Agreed!! I’m going to start stealing gems.

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I often pick up on conversations, or snippets thereof. It's all grist to the writing mill.

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Public private conversation, I’ve found, is cultural. On the NYC subway I once overheard a tragic breakup and also a plot to get someone fired. It’s an odd thing I don’t do, though can have time and place when unavoidable. On the Emily Post substack (of my favorites) this was discussed. I feel it’s important to disclose to someone when on speakerphone or in a public place as courtesy, and realize words may be a filtered and truth diluted. Reality TV is a most appropriate case of the public spilling of deets, as long as no NDA is violated, so ya good! Even in writing on a life based circumstance, anonymity is a consideration when outside of an agreement.

The one case that bugs me most about it is when it comes to the design side of me. If I so much as see someone once rattling off the future of a business in public I will always decline to work with that person. On the acting side, I once needed to make choices on an comparative argument scene with a partner while on a tight schedule leaving us without location. Not revealing the actual script, mind you, we went to the park and got a lot of raised eyebrows of concern. I thought one gent might interfere. We went to the beach and even with the ocean noise we were approached by the police, and resorted to arguing in a parked car. The studio was closed and our time was narrow. The public responds.

Alicia, I get such a cheer in my heart when I see your substack notices appear in my inbox. So glad I caught this one, as I am still in the day-for-each-year-lived birthday marathon since September. You and the tapas/topless and me in the leopard-lounge-it’s-a-dance-club-!!!! Love the leopard 💖 🐆 no matter what anyone says. The only disappointment is for those who show up hoping to see you naked. Cheers, and have a beautiful day. ✨🧚‍♀️✨

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Oh, how I love eavesdropping on a good public private conversation when it's interesting! How I wish this coffee shop was filled with tragic breakups. Not that I want hearts to break. But the fodder. Breakups and makeups, maybe. That's actually one of my favorite writing exercises: go to a public place and simply write down the dialogue you hear. I'd nearly forgotten about that one since COVID hit. You're making me realize this is the perfect opportunity. Although, business meetings over Zoom don't cut it.

Too funny about the script!! I can just imagine you out in broad daylight causing concern. (And good to know well-meaning citizens were paying attention!)

It gives me such a cheer in my heart whenever I see your comments! Sending lots of love over to you for the ongoing birthday marathon. Leopard print all day. And you crack me up. Substack is wonderful in many ways but it's not, indeed, Only Fans...

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I was on the train once where the was idiot shouting into his phone: I'd like to order X. My address is:... Here's my credit card details. I'm going to be away for two weeks...

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So did you order pizza with his credit card??

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I was tempted to order a new hifi system!! 😂

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Alicia Kenworthy

Thanks to Bluetooth earbuds, my quiet neighborhood is abuzz with one-sided phone conversations of walkers at most hours of the day. The ones I really find fascinating are the ones people have in their cars with windows rolled up. So, we can't hear what THEY're saying, but their friend's voice is blasting through the car speakers and into the parking lot for everyone to enjoy. 😂

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Oh that is a hilarious set up! I've never really considered the possibility of being broadcast in that way.

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Such a great post! Tapas bars will never be the same again.

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Lol thank you Jeffrey!! If only there were a tapas + topless bar. Now there's a concept.

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Don't. I live in Tokyo, and for all I know, there's one here.

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That wouldn’t surprise me!

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i was thinking the same thing

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As usual, you made me laugh. “Your brother and tapas.” Am in DC now in Martin Luther King Library, thinking of you as anything but “submissive”. The Mies van der Rohe gorgeous building that I fought to save has been restored. Wondering if you ever made it to the Penn Quarter where we might have even crossed paths. This where I moved when writing the “all true” memoir I’m now posting here on Substack.

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Oh my goodness, how long are you in DC for? If you happen to be around tomorrow or this weekend, drop me an email!

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After reading your post, I had to send you this clip from Curb Your Enthusiasm.


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Ahahahahaha that's too great! Relatable. Perfectly captures a busy day at this coffee shop. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

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